In the hopes that I would do all the things I set out to do at Recurse, I decided to post my intentions! I am now down with my batch but that doesn’t mean this document doesn’t still describe the things I wanted to do, what I did, and some of the most ‘recursey-projects’ I still hope to do!

At the very least, maybe this can serve as an expectation setter to new Recursers in the future.

⚙️ Processes

Notation: P1, P4.2 1. Present progress every two weeks < Accomplished during Recurse!

  1. Changing this to: present at least once a month
  2. Friday accountability checkin: review goals/processes myself (and maybe w/ buddy)

Didn’t do this but still think it’s a good idea

  1. Create and update calendar, chunky and colorful, with time-bound goals, post to blog (casual work of art in itself)

I didn’t do this but still want to

  1. Accountability partners
    1. Emily to vet my accountability system
    2. Someone to casually hold me accountability to the system on a weekly basis

Again, super good to do

🥅 General Recurse Goals

Notation: R1

  1. Deploy any project written in a machine language (Go or Rust)(can be a collaboration)

Never got around to this

  1. Use the recurse drawing machine to make one thing
  2. Make one person feel empowered to do something they were too scared to do
  3. Do at least one live musical performance


Main Goals

Notation: MB1, MB2

  1. Write a shader to render organisms with the GPU in any way
  2. Use noise to visibly shape organism behavior
  3. simulate genetic mutation of more than 2 traits on each organism
  4. Deploy and persist a world online
  5. Allow multiple players to be present in world, online

Reach Goals

  1. Enlist Rylee, Seamus, Isaac and Carsten
  2. Create 3D visualization of world
  3. Have any amount of sound
  4. Deploy and persist multiple wolds online

🧤 Input Gauntlet

Notation: GA1, GB1

Main Goals

  1. Use glove events to output 4 distinct states, one of which is no-output
  2. Power glove with power source that can be worn on arm
  3. Use the 4 distinct states to play different sounds

Reach Goals

  1. Connect glove via bluetooth and provide midi output to connected device (collab starts here)
  2. Get 12-state output on a glove
  3. create two working gloves
  4. Publish creation in such a way that others can use it to create a “layer two”

⌨️ Blog

Notation: BA1, BB2

Main Goals

  1. Create a permalinking system so that I can change blog structure without losing links
  2. Style it to be my own
  3. Also create a reasonably durable structure for blog entries
  4. Document all goal reaching
  5. Publish at least one entry per week
  6. Find a way to edit blog posts on my phone using obsidian sync

Reach Goals

  1. Create custom callout sections
  2. “live blog” at least one experience
  3. Take at least one portrait of a person per blog entry
  4. Showcase
    • problem solving as an engineer
    • Coherence as a writer, thinker, storyteller, photographer and communicator
    • Creativity and inventiveness as an artist and engineer

👔 Professional Goals

Notation: Z1


  1. Create a professional and technical blog entry for MOG, Gauntlet and GameJam
  2. Clean up Github to only include noteworthy projects, and revamp README on each to be clear, concise, professional and technical

”Heading” (not totally in my control)

  1. Get a job lined up for Sept or Nov

💛 Social

Notation: S1

  • Have a get-together at my apartment
  • Teach an inversions workshop
  • Div: volunteer for horseshoe hell together!
  • Enlist at least two people to come canoeing at the end of recurse
  • Have a musical non-coding presentation

📍 Checkpoints

  • May 21th - First day of recurse (done) ~~- June 17th - Will have been here for 1 month (2 weekdays left) ~~- July 1st - Halfway! ~~- July 15th - Will have been here for 2 months (4 weeks 2 days left) ~~- Last day of Recurse - August 9th (40 weekdays left 2 months)